Branch Offices


Dr. Mónica Aguinaga is one of the most outstanding specialists in Reproductive Genetics, which allows her to provide knowledge, technique, and outstanding actions to the field of Assisted Reproduction.

Under her support, thousands of babies have managed to be born free of genetic defects, marking a before and after in the lives of couples with complex genetic diagnoses. Some of them such as recurrent gestational loss, implantation complications as well as problems of malformations or transmutations.

f you have a diagnosis like this, schedule your appointment. With the attention of Dr. Monica Aguinaga, today you are closer to achieving your pregnancy.

Professional ID: 2094504
Specialty certificate: 3245346

Medical doctor from Anahuac University.

Specialty in Medical Genetics at the General Hospital of Mexico.

Master in Medical Sciences from the National Autonomous University of Mexico.

Certification of the National Council of Human Genetics.

Member of the Perinatal Mortality Committee.

Treasurer Board of Directors Mexican Council of Genetics A.C.

Professor of the High Specialty Course in Perinatal Genetics, UNAM.

Professor of the Diploma of Cytogenetics.

Associate Professor of the Specialization Course of Fetal Medicine.

Associate Professor of the Specialization Course of Biology of Human Reproduction.

Associate Professor of the Neonatology Specialization Course.

Associate Professor of the Specialty Course in Gynecology and Obstetrics.

Professor of Clinical Genetics of the Bachelor's Degree in Medical Surgeon of the Anahuac University.

Member of the Genetics Chapter. Mexican College of Gynecology and Obstetrics.

  • Romo-Yáñez J, Domínguez Castro M, Flores Reyes J, Estrada Juárez H, Mancilla Herrera I, Hernández Pineda J, Bazan Tejeda ML, Aguinaga Rios M, Reyes Muñoz E., Hyperglycemia differentially affects proliferation, apoptosis, and BNIP3 and p53 mRNA expression of human umbilical cord Wharton´s jelly cells from non-diabetic and diabetic pregnancies. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2019 Jan 22;508(4):1149-54
  • Nguyen NMP, Khawajkie Y., Mechtouf N., Rezaei M., Breguet M., Kurvinen E, Jagadeesh S, Solmaz AE, Aguinaga M et al. The genetics of recurrent hydatidiform moles: new insights and lessons from a comprehensive analysis of 113 patients. Modern Pathology 2018.
  • Martínez García Alfonso, Michel-Macias Carolina, Cordero González Guadalupe, escamilla Sánchez karla, Aguinaga Rios Mónica, Coronado Zarco Alejandra, Cardona Pérez Jorge A. Giant left ventricular rhabdomyoma treated successfully with everolimus: case report and review of literature. Cardiology in the Young, 2018.
  • López Rioja M, Aguinaga Rios M, Sanchez Gonzalez CM, Recio López Y, Zavala Gomnzñalez PN, García Sanchez R, Chavez Badiola A. Estudio genético preimplantación para aneuploidías: resultados de la transición entre diferentes tecnologías. Ginecol Obstet Mex 2018;2:96-107.
  • Sevilla R, Aguinaga M, Martìnez A, Razo G, Molina B, Frìas S, Grether P. Heterogeneous diagnoses underlying radial ray anomalies. Indian J Pediatr 2017 Mar;84(3):200-205.
  • Torres Cosme JL, Rolón Porras C, Aguinaga Rios M, Acosta Granado M, Reyes Muñoz E, Muguía Peniche T. Mortality from congenital heart disease in Mexico: A Problem on the rise. Plos One 2016;11(3):e0150422. Doi:10.1371.


What is the first step in starting my treatment?

The first step to achieving your pregnancy is to meet us in consultation to determine the right fertility treatment for you.
We serve Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. We are located in Mexico City, Guadalajara, and Morelia. We are ready to help you, but we need your support to achieve it. Schedule your first appointment as soon as possible by calling 01 800 890-5884 or in our ONLINE REGISTRATION.

How long do I have to be in Guadalajara or Mexico City for my treatment if I am a foreigner?

We are experts in foreign patients, so your stay will depend on fertility treatment and availability. We can do follicular follow-ups and hormonal examinations in your city so that your stay in the city is as short as 2 days for capture and another 2 for transfer.
If you prefer to be monitored all your cycle in New Hope, it is necessary to have 4 weeks. This second option is very comfortable for some patients since in New Hope we have results on the same day and thus reduce the stress of getting laboratories outside our center. Consult us and we will give you more information

How long does fertility treatment last?

It varies depending on the type of fertility treatment. In the case of natural cycles, from the first consultation to the pregnancy test are approximately 20 days; 20 to 40 days in case of other types of IVF, and 15 days for intrauterine inseminations.

How much does a fertility treatment cost?

The costs vary according to the fertility treatment indicated for you and in order to determine it, we must know ourselves because we must assess several factors that we can not know only by this means. In the first consultation, we will perform an ultrasound analysis and a semen analysis to offer you the right treatment for you.
At New Hope, you will have the best technology and the best medical equipment. We have more than 15 years of experience and a New Hope baby is born every 4 hours around the world, confirming that we are ready to support you and achieve the pregnancy you want.
Getting to know you is the first step to becoming a mom.