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When you were a little girl you never imagined that the dream of becoming a mom might have some bumps in the road and that this love story would need some help to make it possible.

But you are not alone, infertility happens to 1 out of every 6 people and you are in the right place to become a mom!

What is infertility?

Infertility is the condition that complicates or eliminates the possibility of achieving pregnancy. The causes can be very diverse and affect both men and women.

Infertility is a problem that affects 15% of the population , a high percentage, but nowadays there are a wide variety of treatment options and at New Hope we have the best ones.

How do you know if you need to visit a specialist?

It is not a condition that presents symptoms and is more common than you think for both men and women.

What are THE CAUSES?

There are many reasons why a man or woman may have fertility problems. In any case, it is important to detect the specific origin of the situation in order to determine the best fertility treatment and achieve the desired pregnancy.

Out of every 10 cases of couples who have infertility problems:
Are due to infertility in the male:
Such as azoospermia, metabolic diseases (diabetes/obesity etc), and previous treatment history, among others.
The cause of infertility in women:
Such as endocrine disorders (hypothyroidism / hyperprolactinemia / diabetes), and ovulation problems, among others.
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The issues are caused by both men and women at the same time.
That's right! There are cases where both the man and the woman can have a diagnosis of infertility.
Therefore the causes are unknown to science or unexplained.
Although science is advancing more and more in genetics and reproductive medicine, there are cases that are difficult to understand.
Female infertility
Female infertility is very complex, but at New Hope, we have the best alternatives despite the difficulties that may occur. Complications in achieving pregnancy can result from different biological factors in the reproductive process.

Female infertility can be caused by:
Each woman is born with a certain number of eggs that will be used throughout her life and will never be generated or replaced. In other words, the biological clock does not stop after the age of 35,but the quality and quantity of eggs begin to decrease.
The alterations or problems in the fallopian tubes can derive from many factors, some of the conditions in this category are; endometriosis, tubal occlusion, hydrosalpinx and more.
Conditions related to alterations of the female anatomy that would complicate conception. Some of the most common are; uterine myomatosis, endometrial polyps, and müllerian malformations, among others.
Plans do not always turn out as expected and many women decide to have surgery to avoid having more babies. Salpingo is the contraceptive method that cuts the communication between the uterus and the ovaries, preventing pregnancy from occurring spontaneously. However, at New Hope, salpingo is not an impediment.
These alterations directly affect ovulation and, therefore, could prevent conception in a natural way. Some of the most relevant are: hypothyroidism, hyperprolactinemia, and polycystic ovary syndrome, among others.
They are directly related to the affectation of the ovarian reserve that, in some cases, make pregnancy impossible. But don't worry, at New Hope we have the best treatments and technology to help you achieve pregnancy despite age or any diagnosis.
Male Infertility
Culturally it is believed that fertility problems are exclusive to women. However, the male factor accounts for 40% of infertility cases, so it is important for your partner to be tested as well.

There are several factors that determine male fertility, but none that we at New Hope cannot overcome to help you build the family you so desire.

Male infertility can be caused by:
Oncological treatments are harmful to the sperm and the severity of the condition will depend on the type of treatment used.
There are two types, the obstructive type means that the testicles do produce sperm, but the problem is generated in the sperm outflow tract. The non-obstructive type is when the testicles do not produce the required amount of sperm.
Although they are more frequent in women, they can also have repercussions on male fertility. These include hypothyroidism and hyperprolactinemia.
Cystic fibrosis or Klinefelter's syndrome are some of the diseases that directly affect the reproductive function of men.
It consists of the presence of veins in the testicles increasing their temperature which can affect the mobility of the sperm and even their shape.
By ligating the ducts where the sperm travels during ejaculation, conception is prevented. However, there are procedures that allow the recovery of sperm.
Alterations such as diabetes can cause problems like erectile dysfunction or retrograde ejaculation.


We are the only clinic in Mexico whose treatments are personalized according to the clinical case of each of our patients. In addition, we care about your health, therefore, our treatments are minimally invasive, which means that we only use the amount of medication necessary to reduce side effects and increase the success rate.


Our in vitro fertility techniques and treatments are patented. We have worked to facilitate the conception of the baby you so desire with accurate and exclusive procedures.

We know that the complications to achieving conception are many, but at New Hope we will approach them with the ideal treatment for your case.



Not ready to be a mom yet?

With New Hope you can preserve your fertility until the moment you want it without jeopardizing the outcome.

Our cryopreservation techniques are varied and are available to both men and women. With us, you can preserve your maternity or paternity by freezing eggs, sperm, and/or embryos.

Start today the journey to your maternity, in New Hope we will make your dream come true.